249 - A God, Valuable


Lying in Maltan's apartment, I sigh.

Of all the times for me to have someone throw a slur at me, it had to be yesterday.

Despite that attack, somehow, I've managed to heal some things.

My anxiety has been rearing its ugly head again, and it feels like it's about time that I let that go.

Somehow, it feels like I'm beginning to heal properly.

Releasing these emotions is such a relief.

Now I know that all of this was caused by energetic and spiritual forces.

Clearing all of this with the spiritual methods I've been using has given me this understanding.

Euclid by Sleep Token, it seems, was something I needed in order to heal what was repressed in me.

I must be someone new - and I am.

Belenos has been helping me medicate all day, to make sure that I can recover from the way the priests treated me.

He's been wonderful, and powerful, handing me cup after cup of medicine to flush everything out - and I mean everything.

Archangel Jeremiel also came to visit me today.

Usually, I wouldn't be so bold as to invite an angel into my space, but these are Jewish angels we're talking about - and they're safe to take aid from.

The conversation we had about myself and my experiences was healing in and of itself.

Knowing now how much everyone values me gives me so much hope - for both my future and my recovery.

When he cleared out some of the worst clutter, alongside some other spirits, I cried properly for the first time in a long time.

Feeling my throat burn, I knew that somehow, my body was purging itself of all of the bullshit I had taken on trying to be a good person to others.

Yet I know that whilst the inflicting of pain on me wasn't necessary by any means, releasing and healing from it was and is.

If that means experiencing pain for a brief period to be someone new, then I'll do it.

Just as I ruminate over this, Maltan's doorbell rings, and I hear Belenos answering it. Following this, a gentle tapping on my door. I open the door to Claud, smiling.

Litha vat, Your Eminence. The citizens of Alïvi have a gift for you in the square. 

He turns to Belenos.

Is their Eminence's condition well enough that they're able to take a short walk?

Belenos smiles.

I appreciate your concern, Claud. They've taken all the medicine they need to take now, so it's up to Tavi's discretion whether or not they feel up to it.

They both turn to me, and I grin.

You have piqued my curiosity, Claud. Consider your invitation accepted.

Claud mirrors my expression, and holds out his arm for me to take.

Shall we?

I nod, taking his arm gently but firmly, and we make our way out of Maltan's apartment building, into the streets of Malo, now Alïvi. 

Just as it should be.

A gift for me in the square, of all places?

Claud smiles.

Ya. You'll see.

It's not quite finished yet, but I'm sure you'll appreciate the sentiment.

We saunter over the cobbled streets, sea air filling our lungs, the azure sky filling the horizon with an ambience that could only come from summer joy.

Well now I want to know even more!

Claud laughs.

You will, Your Eminence. After all, it's because of you that we can all begin anew. 

Just like you want to.

As I take in his words, I realise that we've arrived in the square, right where the cathedral used to be. Then I notice it.

All of the remains of that house of worship are now gone, and it looks as though it's being spiritually cleaned. Several people are stood over a picnic table with what looks like blueprints for a new building to be built in that precise area.

I realise what the gift is.

You're building me a nemeton.

Claud nods.

After everything you've done for Breizh, without so much as a request for any kind of payment, you deserve to feel at home here, Your Eminence.

And these plans aren't just for a nemeton.

He ushers one of the architects over, who pulls out a blueprint of what I realise is a huge detached house with direct access to the sea from the back garden. My vision blurs with tears and my gratitude overwhelms me to the point where they're both having me take a seat.

Claud offers me some tissues, and I accept them readily.

Trugarez, all of you... For all of this.

The architect making the blueprints pats me on the back and smiles.

We are more than happy to accommodate you, Your Eminence. With regards to the blueprints, please let me know if there's anything you need or would like. Some examples of what your current nemeton looks like would not be amiss, either.

My name is Ariss, so if you need anything, please ask for me.

I shake his hand, grinning as I dab the tears off of my face.

Trugarez, Ariss. And bless all of you for being involved in this.

A great chorus of voices, known and unknown, respond unanimously to my gratitude.



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