252 - A God, Rises


It seems like weekends are getting easier for me.

Focusing on healing, I feel, has made this significantly easier.

Knowing that I am safe, that I am protected, definitely helps.

Somehow I know that if I keep present with my emotions, and be within as positive a vibration as I can, that things will turn out well.

Whatever happens, everything works out for me.

And that is how it will always be.

The European wildcat in my lap purrs, and I smile.

You happy there, buddy?

The cayt mewls in response, rubbing its head against me, and I can't help but feel blessed.

Even if the cat I'm holding right now is a fey cat, the reactions I'm having are the same as if I were to have a regular cat replying to me like this - pure bliss.

Manny drives us towards Balley Chashtal, with Desmond in the front. They're all smiles as I pay attention to the ball of fur curled up on my trousers.

You and that cayt really have become best friends, haven't ye, lad?

Just I'm about to respond to Desmond's playful teasing, said cayt mews in affirmation, and we all laugh.

Couldn't give me a word in edgeways, could you?

I fluff up the fur behind the cat's ears, before giving them a gentle scratch behind the ears, which illicits further purring.

We're arriving, everyone! All change please!

Parking his silver Chrysler neatly into the most accessible space he can get us, Manny indicates for us to exit, so we do. 

The Sun, despite how sharp it is brightness wise, is tempered by the cool Atlantic winds from the West, making the temperature far more bearable than it would be on the mainland in the UK or France.

Our new friend taps me with their paw, and I carefully put the cayt down. They begin to trot along the car park and onto the pavement, nodding for us to follow. Myself, Manny and Uncle Des exchange looks, before Des whips out his phone, presumably texting the family group chat, in case anything untoward happens.

Kiart dy liooar! Onwards!

The cayt, who politely waited for us, starts padding along again, taking a path that must be familiar to them.


I cast Manny a questioning look, then realise.

We're heading in the direction of Cashtel Rosien.

Des nods.

Ta. Ye think we'll meet some giants?

Cashtel Rosien, or Castle Rushen, is well known for its underground tunnels, believed to lead to non human realms. It is believed that ghosts, giants and even fey live within the old caverns, and there's even a legend of a previous King of Mann being killed by a knight in order to save his betrothed from the King's clutches.

Given that this King would be one of my ancestors though, I highly doubt that this would be completely accurate. But I suppose that's what legends and myths are: history that became stories. Stories without a shred of evidence to prove their validity in the course of time.

I'll find out the truth, somehow. 

Ruminating on this, we trail the cayt into the tunnels, up until we're stopped at a glowing cyan gate, guarded by two stocky male giants.

Does this troupe have a password?

The cayt mewls, and the other giant sighs.

Look Illiam, I love you and you're adorable, but ye can't be inviting people without telling them a password, no matter what their auras look like.

Illiam yowls, and I gently pick him up.

Kiart dy liooar, floofy cayt. I'll figure something out.

The giants exchange looks, and squints at me through the shadows.

Well, you're definitely one of Gaul's finest, with an accent like that. But we have security protocols for a reason...

Too many close calls with fakes.

I nod. 

Far too many of them these days. Though this lossyr-ny-keylley finds it strange that you don't recognise Ellan Vannin's patron God among our retinue. Unless you were born in The Burying?

They look taken aback.

Gods for sure! Please forgive our eyes, Lord MannanĂ¡n, we were raised in the dark!

Manny steps forward.

Rest easy, friends. You did not grow up knowing my face from physical interaction. The fault does not lie with you.

They bow politely.

Thank you, my Lord.

If we may ask, who is the leader of your retinue? The mention of a lossyr-ny-keylley feels familiar, but few would use the goldfinch as a password. Other than...

And... I can tell as they realise who I am, that they're well on their way to grovelling on the floor before me, and I shake my head, holding up a hand.

There's no need to bow and scrape to me. Your assumptions are correct.

I am Litavis Dethmonias, The God Of All, God Of None, now Head God of the Simulation 87359. The first healing Sim of its kind.

It's a pleasure to finally meet some non-humans on a border realm again. Cre'n ennym t'erriu?

To hear a perceived outsider ask how they are in one of their native tongues must have really touched them, because now both of their faces are streaming with tears. Des politely offers them tissues, which they both take.

Wonderful, now that we know that things are back in order. We thought we'd have to hide forever. At least, that's what the suits told us.

We all exchange looks. I did get the feeling of world watching me whenever I listened to anything in Gaelg, but for his men to forbid non-humans from surfacing on land? That violates several kinds of rights, for both humans and non-humans, including the right to reasonable passage, and the right to access to nature.

I'm also certain that this was extended to certain spirits in environmental administration, which is not only rights violation, but also sacrilege, as their presence and jobs take care of the environment and beings within them, whether that's relating to prayer, magic or other skills that come with their heritage and/or job. 

Ellan Vannin has always been strong, settled with some of the hardiest folk imaginable. Yet even I know that this is serious enough that it could've destroyed the island and its inhabitants.

Well, you're free now.

One of the giants tilts his head in curiosity.

My Lord, I don't believe either of us have had the pleasure.

Uncle Des smiles warmly.

I am Donn Morras, otherwise known as the Face Of Death.

They stare, open mouthed.

They said you were dead!

Desmond shrugs.

I went into hermitage.

The giants exchange looks, then gaze at Illiam, who meows innocently.

Looks like we're letting you in.

Undoing the latches, they usher us in, before closing the gates behind us. As soon as we're in, a combination of blue light and vivid green fauna paints our vision, shining with life.

Well, I wasn't expecting this.

As we look around this gorgeous underground garden, I realise that there's a second gate, covered in foliage, set in one of the cream walls around us.

Upon approaching this gate, I notice there is a sign chained to it, written in Gaelg. The translation is very simple, yet very mysterious.

Whoever can find the key,

Please open me!

We all exchange looks.

Usually I would assume that a gate like that would be shut for a reason, but I can't help but feel otherwise.

A trap?

Well, there aren't any visible guards, and the energy I sense coming from it is benevolent.

I don't think someone who wanted us to be caught out by a gate would put a literal 'open me' sign on it. Besides, we're all trickster Gods. Any pranks would have been uncovered by our expertise by now.

I duplicate the Manx word for key, and let it hang in the air, until a soft green line guides me to a hole in the wall, and an old brass key.


Twisting the key to the left, the lock gives, opening up to glowing iridescent pathways.

Faery glass!

If these paths are indeed made of faery glass, they were made for non humans - paths that humans and lower vibrational beings cannot use due to the makeup of faery glass being too high vibrational. And if world was discouraging anyone from emerging...

He didn't want anyone using them. Why?

Then I realise.


Mann has always been a centre of spiritual power, and it retains that power even today. However, said power isn't one world found the ability to control. Given how possessive he is of things he believes to be his, it's no surprise that he would attempt to refuse Mann its natural power, despite he himself having no use for it, as he doesn't know how to.

Not that Mann's power would be something he could manipulate anyway - completely wrong genes, and he's a part troll, part glumorph, which overall puts him at far too low a vibration by nature to even think about using Mann's magic in that way.

He probably told the non humans here not to surface because it would lower the vibration of Mann, making it easier for him to attempt to control - but even then, he wouldn't be able to match Mann's vibration. Not by a long shot.

Which was why he programmed Manny. Which, luckily, didn't last very long.

As I'm thinking about this, a group of non humans, including some very much extinct animals, fey, giants, and a whole plethora of other humanoid and non humanoid species, begin to embark on the paths leading out of the castle tunnels.

Hang on, are those Irish elk? And pinguins?

They most definitely are. Alongside them trots Illiam, and a clowder of other European wildcats, as well as what looks to be a specifically Manx species of wildcat. All of the extinct cows, horses, pigs and what looks to be wolves follow the paths as well.

Well, I'll be...

They must have been down here for a long time...

Manny and Des turn to me, and Des ruffles my hair.

And you helped them. Perhaps all they needed was you.

My heart grows warm, and Manny extends a hand to me.

Shall we, Tavi?

I nod, taking both him and Des' arms, strolling out towards the light over the paths, which shine brighter at the tread of our feet.

Like they were waiting for us.

And when we reemerge into the sunlight, I smile.

They're free at last. And when I see the day that my people are free, I'll remember everyone I've liberated.

As the God Of All, God Of None, I will keep this promise eternal.



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