257 - A God, Loves


As I stand in the faery bath, I smile.

I'm feeling a lot stronger than I was, though I get sleepy very easily.

Yesterday's cleansing was very painful.

Frankly, it still is, but having Terrence around is helping.

Just as I'm saying this, he's gently yet firmly massaging my scalp.

Despite me throwing up multiple gross things, having to birth rats out of genitalia that technically aren't even mine and just overall needing help with cleaning myself up, he still loves me - and even finds me attractive.

Though I know what he'll say to that.

M'amoƻr, that is the bare minimum.

Besides, you healing makes you far more attractive - not that you weren't in the first place - because you're happier.

My face grows red at this observation, but I can't help but smile. 

This God loves you.

His hands turn me to face him, running his hands from my scalp down to the small of my back as I'm pushed forward.

And I love this God right back.

It's strange to me - the affection makes my heart feel warm, in spite of the coolness of the water we're bathing in.

This is the second day I've needed to use the bath, yet there's no judgement about it, nor anger, whether it be about how long I need to use it for, or how many flowers I feel are necessary.

Trugarez. For making my needs feel valid.

Taking my face in his hands, he sighs.

As I said, lovely, bare minimum.

This time, he holds me for a long time, as he helps lustrate me of all the horrible programming that's been festering in me - and weirdly, I enjoy the light spreading through me, soothing parts of me that were in agony or discomfort. 

The whole thing is so intimate, parts of it I dare not share, as they feel private. Sacred.

As the intimacy becomes more apparent, we're left alone, and I smile.

All to ourselves.

He grins.

Just us.

At this point, I think it's fairly obvious what's on our minds. And as the kisses become more passionate, I can't help but ruminate on how lucky I am for everyone I have now, for everything I have.

But especially my husband.

Karout a ran ac'hanout, ma heol.

Ma loar...

He holds me, just for a minute, and it feels like he's cleaning away the cobwebs that disguised me as a human, that disguised me as a woman, that disguised me as anything else but a God.

That disguised me as anything else but me, his wife.

The brunette henna that cursed my hair has washed away, to reveal the true blond my locks have always been, and the grey mist that once plagued and blurred my vision has turned indigo. The moon has found its place back on my face, a strawberry crescent on my left cheek.

This was all you, lovely. I want everyone to see you the way I do.

I want you to promise me that you won't hide any more.

That we won't.

When he looks at me like that, there's no question of what my answer will be.

I promise.


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