263 - A God, Silent


My throat has gotten marginally worse today.

I also almost threw up earlier, which we all know isn't good.

Today was much less action packed than expected.

But then again, I did get anxious, and I'm grateful that my MIND coach understands that.

Advocating for myself whilst like this has honestly been tiring.

However, at least I can say that I can do it, even if it doesn't feel like much.

Just as I put yet another strawberry lozenge in my mouth, Terrence wraps his arms around me.


What was I expecting? If I'm struggling, he's going to worry about me.

I'll get better.

He frowns.

I know. I'm just worried about you.

Drawing me into his arms, he sighs.

It's rare that you get such a specific illness surrounding your throat, don't you think?

That's true. The only places that seem to be affected consistently are my left ear and my throat, neither of which seem to want to get better.

Do you think I might have been hexed?

He pauses. Usually I wouldn't ask Terrence this kind of question, but besides my family and a few friends, he knows me best, especially with how my aura presents itself - and if it doesn't feel normal to him, I'll know for certain that something's off.

It's a red line going from your sacral to your third eye, attaching itself wherever it wants to.


He pinches the bridge of his nose.

You need treatment. Now.

Quietly, he gets Manny's attention. He takes one look at me, and whips out his phone, seemingly lamenting that we're having to do this again.

My assumption is that he's most likely going to call either Belenos or Danú, who would be best to help with this kind of thing. Or, at the very least, would know who's best to call upon.

After a few minutes of talking on the phone (judging by his addressing said person, I think it's probably Danú), he comes back to us.

Belenos isn't available, as he has another client in an emergency to deal with, but I'm pretty sure either Bormana or Tsxhirona is. Judging by what Danú said to me, this kind of situation is Tsxhirona's speciality, especially given that it's energy healing with regards to meridian points in the body.

Manny's right. Tsxhirona, or as most of you probably know her, Sirona, is a Gaulish Goddess attested in similar localities to myself - and is both a healing and star Goddess. A lot of her healing work is spiritual, though she also knows the basics, and her divination work, among other things with regards to stars, is well known among our pantheon.

Shall we?

I nod, and Manny replies affirmatively.

Kiart dy liooar. I'll get her.

Look after them, aye?

Terrence nods.

You don't have to tell me twice.

For a long time, we curl up together, just content to be in each other's arms. Aside from the pain, I'm very comfortable. Soon enough, I find myself on the verge of sleep.

As I drift off, I become aware of the pulling sensation that's paining my throat, that's paining my sacral, dragging me forward mockingly.

Who would-?

No. I know who's doing this.

The last pull drives me right into his stench, right into the path of the enemy. The very enemy I've been avoiding.


Because who else would torture me this way, but world?

I won't give him the satisfaction of me looking him in the eye. 

Snatching my concealed knife, I imbue it and my hands full of electricity, cutting the red cord that he's pulling me with both out of his hands and out of my body, sending a lightning strike to his precise location. I let my blade slash right through his eyes.

Once the lightning reaches him, he writhes on the floor. 

Don't fuck with me.

Glaring at his form, I scoff.

You really thought I was weak, didn't you?

Well, I'm no longer a child you can toy with. And I was always older than you anyway, git face.

I rule now. Get over it!

As the hooks and the remainders of the threads in my body leave, I keep walking, shutting out his insults and protests about whose possession I should be.

We all know the answer to that.

I belong to myself and myself only.

With each step, my awareness grows hazy, and I wake up, still very much in Terrence's arms, but unlike before, over a bowl, which is now a quarter full of particularly bloody vomit. 

I'll assume that's mine?

My body still aches all over, but at least world's thread isn't still in me now.

He nods gently, drawing me into a careful embrace.

You weren't conscious, were you?

I shake my head.

It must have been Jane.

If you don't already know who Jane is, she's our pain and sickness alter in system - essentially, the person who manages any physical unpleasantness we may experience. She also protects us whilst in this state.

What happened?


I can sense Terrence seething, but the moment I snuggle into him, he softens.

Even when you don't feel well, you're like this...

He sighs.

Mat eo din. What's the verdict, Tsxhirona?

Tsxhirona glances between us and smiles serenely.

Well, it seems that Lin has taken care of the root of the problem, but a few things are still a concern.

Firstly, protecting their energy body, aura, system and physical body from ever experiencing this as a result of invasive energetic procedures - so finding where they're most vulnerable, and making action plans for any outcome that may or may not be unfavourable.

Secondly, helping them find any other implants that may have been inserted in the same way, so they don't end up linking with others. That includes any remaining cuties' holograms. Those need to go, stat. 

And lastly, helping them heal from all of those implants, hexes, etc, as well as figuring out what may or may not have been stolen as a result of said connections, and taking them back. That way, Lin can piece together what's theirs and what isn't more easily. It will probably also give Lin a heck of a lot more peace of mind.

I nod. As we said before, this is Tsxhiro's field of expertise. 

Sounds like a good plan. Do you have any healing modalities you'd recommend?

She hesitates.

I fear you'll need quite a few. So how about this?

She takes my hands in hers.

Take me with you.

Her black and purple heterochromia, coupled with her black and white hair, stand out in the moonlight that illuminates the three of us as she waits on my decision. 

It could be perilous.

She grins.

You and I both know that I learned combat from your cousin. I should be in good hands, anyway.

She's right. Both myself and Terrence are trained in combat, and she learned marksmanship from Apollo. Realistically, she'll be fine.

Mat eo din. Consider this a done deal.

We shake on it, smiling.

By the way, I got a message from Arthur, Merlin and Herne. I think they miss you.

At that, I can't help but smile.

I miss them, too.

She passes me a letter shut with the Pendragon seal. Cautiously, sensing the scarlet aura emanating around it, I lift the wax to read Arthur's letter.

To my most trusted friend and beloved cousin,

I have the understanding that you've been very busy as of recently. We have had many visitors here in search of you, whom we have sometimes hosted, sometimes turned away. All in all, your English nemeton is safe, which we are proud to say.

We do however, miss you - myself and Merlin, Herne and the Merry Men - we all do. And whilst looking for my knights and the remainder of Robin's men has proved to be somewhat fruitful, there always seems to be one missing piece. That piece, I believe, is you.

So we cordially invite you to come back to this home - even if it's only for the 7-7-7 portal, to see how far we've come so far.

And we want to hear about your escapades, too! (Quite a few people, and Merlin's ravens, have been telling us about just how much you've done in the past few months. Not being there to witness it feels wrong, somehow.)

We all look forward to your return. Until then, we wish you safe travels, and as much peace as can possibly be afforded to you.

Ever your loyal and beloved cousin,

Arthur Pendragon, Lord Of The Isles, His Majesty The King of Cornwall

For a minute, my vision grows misty. For Arthur to have been thinking about me so consistently feels nice - and to have other members of my family want to see me again in England, genuinely feels like a blessing.

Looks like we're going back for a bit.

Terrence smiles.

Then let's go.


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