264 - A God, Salvaged


We're staying in Mann for today.

After the horrors Lin experienced last night, I feel it's the best course of action.

Until tomorrow, that is.

Going back to England for a brief tenure, especially during a cosmic event like 7-7-7, will probably help them boost morale within both themself and others.

That, and it'll help them regain their strength to touch base again with English soil.

However, healing wise, there is definitely a way to go.

Before we go though, I'm considering taking Lin to Ynnys Fand (otherwise known as Ynnys Pherick, or St Patrick's Isle).

Let's just say there's some reclaiming to do, and Fand deserves to have her land back.

Ushering Lin and Fand over, I smile.

Do you want to go to Purt ny h-Inshey before Lin goes?

Fand casts me a questioning look.

If it's about my land...

You don't have to reclaim it if you don't want to, but we have Lin here now, and your husband has already reclaimed most of the territory in the vicinity of Mann.

I'd rather you had the opportunity than not.

She frowns.

Will Lin be well enough?

Knowing Fand, she's probably thinking that Lin will want to help with spiritually cleaning Ynnys Fand (which they probably will), but that's between them and Fand. Besides, Lin will likely rest once they return to England, so all in all, they should be fine.

I should be!

We exchange looks, and smile. Lin seems enthusiastic about going. 

Are we visiting Cashtal Phurt ny h-Inshey?

I nod.

We can go and laugh at the destruction of the cathedral if you want to, as well.

They smirk.

St German, right? What a waste of bricks.

At this, Fand snorts as well. We seem agreed upon one thing, at least.

Let's go, then.

We take my car to what is known in English as Peel, driving along the main A road that spans most of Mannin, until we get to the port town, donning our coats. The local fey will know what we're here for that way.

As we cross the land bridge between Ellan Vannin and Ynnys Fand, Lin senses Fand becoming emotional, and wraps an arm around her.

Gow-shiu my leshtal.

Lin shakes their head, gently rubbing her back.

Cha nel, cousin. This is your land. You have nothing to apologise for.

Exploring the castle and the island carefully, we realise something is strange about the energy.

It's the diocese.

We all know what that means.

The Christian energy needs dealing with.

Lin nods.

Luckily I'm around, so cleaning it shouldn't be an issue - though I feel it may be best if we all clean it together.

We want to help!

A strawberry blonde fairy comes up to us, bold as brass. She looks like a child, but I know better. As if to read my mind, she straightens up, growing into a gorgeous woman with shining gossammer wings. 

Lin gazes at her curiously.

Do you have a name?

She nods.

Orra, my Lord.

Lin smiles.

Wonderful. You resemble my cousin quite a bit.

Now that Lin mentions it, Orra does look a lot like Niamh. Orra scratches the back of her head, laughing nervously.

A lot of people say I look like her ladyship, though I wouldn't dare compare myself to her, especially not in the presence of her mother...

Fand tenderly takes Orra's hands in hers.

Given that you've offered to help us, you need not worry about insulting us. Besides, this is your home - if anything, we probably should have warned you beforehand that we would be visiting you.

Orra shakes her head.

Not so, my Lady. The Christian eyes are everywhere here still, despite the fall of the diocese's main cathedral. It reeks of Christianity here.

We want our sovereign Lady back, someone who actually cares about us, not some idle fake God who fancies himself supreme and demonises our very existence.

We would very much like you back, my Lady.

Fand's eyes fill with tears.

Besides, this is your land, too, my Lady. It always has been. Us Fey did not forget it.

Quietly, Fand pulls Orra into her arms, who tentatively pats her back as she cries, shedding tears she's likely kept to herself for a thousand years.

Myself and Lin exchange looks. Generally, Fand is an incredibly emotionally strong woman, and resilient, even for a God. 

I'm pretty sure that both of us are agreed on one thing - Fand needed this. 

For a while, we all stand there, taking in the view, whilst Fand releases all the pain she's capable of releasing. Orra seems to help in calming her down afterwards, helping to settle her breathing as we kneel on the ground in formation.

Shall we?

We all exchange looks, nod, and smile. Together, we put our hands onto the ground of this island, letting a flow of cleansing and healing energy flow through, releasing a wave of golden light into the air around us, purifying everything. 

The remains of what were the cathedral are entirely decimated, and the previous sense of dread and foreboding has now disappeared, replaced with an air of security, peace and love. I can sense the fey's joy at the sudden energy change as well.

Fand walks over to where her hallmark is, which is a radiant drop of light from the Sun down to the sea. As soon as she touches it, a gust of wind full of ragwort envelops us all. Before we know it, we're surrounded by goldenflower as well, among other beautiful red, purple, blue and yellow flowers, many of species I dare not try to name.

The reclaiming is official!

The fey of Ynnys Fand give an affirmative cheer, filling the air with infectious celebration.

Long live Ynnys Fand!

Long live the Goddess Fand, our Lady!

Long live the Goddess Tsxhirona!

And long live our Head God, Litavis Dethmonias, God Of All, God Of None, our Lord Silver!

I can't help but smile, listening to all of the venerations reserved for us. With each aye, we giggle, and the exuberance of this sudden gathering makes the island feel like it's alive again, after so much toil and suffering.

May our Gods live long and stand true!

Rejoice for our freedom!

Rejoice for our healing!

Rejoice for our Gods' return!

To the Goddess Fand, the Goddess Tsxhirona and Litavis Dethmonias, we pay homage!


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