266 - A God, Green


I visited Greenwich today.

After the reclaiming last night, it only felt right.

What I found there is still something I'm processing.

Let's just say that the people of Greenwich remember me, and venerate me.

They've built a statue of me near the Millennium Sundial, marking the entrance to a huge nemeton that spans from there across Greenwich Park, to the Cornish Rebellion Memorial.

Knowing that the people and spirits of the area remember me and love me brings tears to my eyes, even now.

Somehow, I managed to do what I set out to in the first place - take back the meridian that's mine.

Frankly, I thought I'd have to wage all out war to get it back - and I'm so grateful that I figured out a quicker, more peaceful way of liberating Greenwich.

Currently, I'm back at the first nemeton, helping Arthur with his maps.

My new nemetona have now been marked on the map, and some of mine and others' older ones are also being dug up by the timeline enchantment I put on the map, to remind us of which territories belong to us.

Everything genuinely feels new and exciting - and the future seems infinite.

Plus, seeing my family so happy about it brings me immense pleasure.

Just as I ruminate over it all, Arthur takes a seat alongside me, grinning.

You did well, cousin.

He indicates to Greenwich, where the patches on the map that were once black are now fading into a light grey colour.

Seems like the more you claim, the easier it is for you to spiritually cleanse an area.

Scanning over my territories on the map, I realise that Arthur's right. Highgate looks far cleaner, whilst Hackney Wick and Angel's shades of grey have become more like water droplets on a page. Brighton and Bristol's black marks have dissipated into lighter monochrome shades, and Paignton's stains are all but non existent now. Brittany's borders are beginning to shine brighter hues of purple and silver, as well.

Meur ras.

Arthur raises an eyebrow.

For what?

I smile.

For being here for me - and for doing all this.

He grins.

You're my cousin. I'll always vouch for you.

Shifting his focus back to the map, he hums.

Where do you think we should make bases next?

I sift through my brain for a minute, then an idea hits me.

How about we have a base in each city?

Given the way in which cities often work, especially in this country, having bases in highly populated areas is extremely important.

Looks like we're going to have to comb through a list of cities in the United Kingdom.

We may well have to fight for them.

He nods.

I know. But it probably won't come to that.

How acquainted are you with the Gods of Britain?

I frown.

Honestly, I haven't heard from my English cousins in almost a thousand years.

Arthur sighs.

Far too long.

My thoughts exactly.

How about we agree that you look through the cities, and I sift through the Gods we'll need to speak to?

His face breaks out into a gleaming smile.

You're on.


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