280 - A God, In Repose


Today has been, to put it mildly, prosperous.

We got several deliveries in today, which makes me very happy.

Essentially, we don't have to worry about food for a while.

Honestly, it's a relief. A lot of my anxiety has stemmed from worrying over food.

Knowing that we have plenty of food for the next week or so really calms me down.

If you've read our previous entries, you'll know why.

From this payday onwards, we're actually trying to spend less money, until we can leave.

Cooking is a luxury energy wise, so having enough ready meals to last us a while will definitely help.

Our imported snacks, as well as more than a few desserts, are also a bonus.

Despite this abundance though, part of me always worries that we'll end up without - which is probably what has been causing this whole huge vicious cycle in the first place.

As a child, despite the voldys' expenses being hugely offset by my benefits, they often acted as though they couldn't afford good things for me.

Multiple times I was told this, all whilst watching voldy jnr be spoiled with the newest fashions and trends, none of which I ever got to see on myself or put in my wardrobe.

Now, I want to save up enough that I might be able to get some of those things for myself.

Really, I haven't put much thought into what I'd get, though there are definitely a few things on my mind I'd like.


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