281 - A God, Creating


Today has been surprisingly productive, despite being lonely.

I managed to write part of a song, sort where some affirmations for a new subliminal would go, and prepare two meals for myself, as well as do a tarot reading.

Honestly, I wish I could do more.

But this is a significant improvement in comparison to how much I could do two or three weeks ago, so it's definitely improving.

One thing I am relieved about is the week coming tomorrow.

Frankly, it couldn't come sooner for me.

With everything I've been meaning to arrange, or which has been arranged on my behalf, it has been quite foreboding to wait.

My GP has re-referred me to eating disorder services, I have a blood test (or a few) to arrange and the spiritual healing I need to do on my own feels overwhelming to even think about right now.

As travelling by myself feels terrifying right now, a trip into London to a few museums doesn't exactly feel wise.

Especially given my physical condition - but this is something I have to do on my own. My worries thus far have prevented me from taking the necessary action to visit those places, and I fear that I may be unable to go before I move.


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