284 - A God, Lethargic


Writing the blog recently has made me quite sad.

A large part of me feels ashamed for not being able to write enough, in order to be interesting enough - because my whole body and brain are just so tired.

If I had the energy, I'd talk about everything that's happened to me over the past week - but I can't.

Because right now? I can barely do anything.

Here I was, thinking I'd accomplished something, getting to almost 300 entries.

Yet here I am, unable to finish any of the ten I've left behind, which will more than likely include this one.

No matter which way I put it, my heart hurts.

Moreover, I refuse to give up on this blog, which is seemingly the only place I can publicly be godly.

Somehow, it feels almost as though someone is trying to prevent me from writing...

Frankly, that idea makes me want to write even more.

Quite a few people have had a thing about deliberately attempting to silence me in the past - including the voldys.

Truthfully, I wouldn't be surprised if they had something to do with all this.

Up until now, my lethargy has prevented me from catching up with everything that's happened to me over the past week.

Contrary to what any of my enemies want, though, I refuse to allow my lethargy to be used to silence me.


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