286 - A God, Miserable


I don't believe I've been in as much pain as I have been for the past day and a half in a while.

My feelings, yet again, have decided to make a point of trying to shrink me into the smallest, most condensed form of myself, to avoid any form of disapproval.

Disapproval is danger.

Perhaps I ought to talk to Phobos and Deimos.

They'd probably know the best coping mechanisms, as well as being able to direct me towards anyone else who can help.

A lot of people would probably look at me with much askance with regards to speaking to them, but I know I should listen to my intuition first and foremost.

Gods of often perceived 'negative' positions tend to be demonised, as opposed to respected, for the job they do in keeping people alive, and encouraging self expression of a person's shadow. Phobos and Deimos are no exception to this, as Gods of panic and dread respectively.


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