288 - A God, Of Death


Today has been mainly composed of me reading, sleeping and healing.

Not much has deviated from the usual.

However, yet again, I have felt insecure about not logging everything that's happened to me.

Frankly, I've been meaning to catch up with everything for a while - but I haven't felt able to.

Yet now, something else has happened that I can't sit around and ignore.

Some Reiki healing sessions recently tried to cut cords with the Anunnaki, or the main collective of reigning Mesopotamian Gods - which is the last thing I need.

I have no clue why people think they're evil when they don't even know them.

Admittedly, I have some understanding of why some of these Gods could be seen that way based off of their mythos, but it hardly seems fair when there aren't that many interpretations of Mesopotamian Gods.

Given the situation, I now have to visit their Heaven - and their Underworld.

Knowing them, the Heavens will probably accept a message from Inanna and Enki if I speak to them and they send Ninshubur on their behalf. But Ereshkigal... That's another thing entirely. 

Looks like I'll have to visit her myself.

Clicking my fingers, I find myself transported to the site of the city of Babylon, which is now situated just next to Hillah, Iraq.

If I was admitted entry to Iraq already, Enki and Enlil probably already knew I intended to be here, which is lucky - it's most likely that they missed me, and are probably reporting my presence to Utu now, if they haven't already. 

Enki and Enlil used to fight over me, too, which was fun to watch, but if it spiralled out of control, it could be difficult to reconcile the situation, so there was also that. Thank the Gods for Ninshubur being the voice of reason during those times... (Though Inanna did occasionally break things up, and they'd very quickly get themselves together if she did. Inanna's wrath is legendary.)

Quietly, I search the ruins for Ereshkigal's gate, which I'll have to knock at to open the portal to the Underworld.

From that point on, I'm at Ereshkigal's mercy - though I highly doubt she'll do anything to me if she already knows I'm Head God. Besides, I always remember us getting along. Realistically, I should be fine.

Stepping through the ruins, I pass through the old square, following the compass points in the middle to the east, labelled with Ereshkigal's name.

I'm not far away, old friend.

Once I get to the gate, I cautiously knock twice, then twice again. Just as I consider whether or not my knocking has worked, a set of stairs appears, leading below Babylon.

No going back now.

Carefully, I descend into the darkness, hands reaching out for the walls, feet doing their best to keep me balanced, until I begin to see a red light, which gradually becomes brighter, until it's obvious what it is - flaming torches.

This is only the beginning.


Squinting, I realise who I'm looking at.

It's been a while, Bitu.

He smirks.

You had to pluck for that, didn't you?

I raise an eyebrow, folding my arms.

At least I made the effort to try and remember it.

He laughs.

Yes, you are better than some.

I shall tell Her Ladyship that you are here.

Thank you.


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