291 - A God, Stronger


Today has gone well.

I managed to both get my source of money sorted and a potential cancellation of my appointment with my MIND advocate, as there's something extra going on this week.

My caseworker has arranged something, so I'm looking forward to that.

Let's just say things are going to get more interesting - and potentially, easier.

Something also came up after me watching the rest of Moon Knight.

And it brings me to tears - in a good way.

Khonshu decided to pay me a visit, and I heard him very clearly.

He mentioned both how I was in the past, and how everything I've been through makes me one of the strongest Gods to ever exist, as well as his desire to work with and help his pantheon.

Perhaps I am, in fact, stronger than I give myself credit for.

Despite my inability to finish everything I've wanted to finish immediately, maybe the fact that I could finish Moon Knight also means that I can, in fact, finish everything else I want to finish, if I allow myself the time to rest and finish when I feel like I can.


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